How To Make a Bedroom in the Basement on a Budget

The Italian-American Page

How To Make a Bedroom in the Basement on a Budget
How To Make a Bedroom in the Basement on a Budget

Oh, basements. Those dark and sometimes damp rooms at the bottom of houses can surely be more than just storage spaces filled with things—such as decor from past holidays, high school graduations, and other memorable events—that occasionally see the light. What if we told you that you could transform your basement into an additional bedroom or entertainment space without it costing an arm and a leg? Keep reading to know how to make a bedroom in the basement on a budget!

Check the Room for Safety and Code

Before you begin, we suggest you have your basement inspected to ensure it is up to code and safe for you and your family stay in for long periods of time. To create a legal bedroom in the basement, you will need to include:

  • An edgeless window
  • Electricity
  • A heat source
  • A closet

Health and safety are the main priority when transforming your basement. Check for water leakage, mold, and faulty electrical work that may need to be remedied before furnishing and decorating.

Keep the Original Floors

To help save money, you should consider keeping the original floors in the basement. While basements are infamous for being riddled with mold, mildew, or decay, there’s nothing a good cleaning, sealant, and cozy rugs can’t do! Before sealing the floors, consider adding basement floor paint to improve the room’s design while mitigating moisture.

Make Sure to Seal the Walls

Before painting or fastening wall art to your walls, you need to know if your basement walls are sealed. If not, seal them right away to help prevent water issues. When there’s no sealant between the concrete and drywall, there’s nothing to stop water from seeping in and creating mildew and mold. Once you’ve sealed the walls, you can add your personal style to the room with decorations.

Spend Money Where It Matters

When you’re making a bedroom in the basement, it’s tempting to spend money on new things. Remember, you can DIY some projects and find budget-friendly alternatives for those that are more complex. Spend money where it counts. Use it to upgrade your lighting or purchase higher quality furniture and other items that will help enhance the space.

Reduce, Reuse, and Repurpose

Put your currently unused items to better use by moving your stored items or old furniture that doesn’t quite fit in the main portion of the house to the basement bedroom. You can also reupholster or repaint your furnishings to make them look brand new and install shelves and use old storage baskets to keep the area neat and organized.