You rush into the bathroom, running late for work and still needing to get ready. You shower quickly, then get out to brush your teeth and do your hair. But to your dismay, the bathroom mirror, which you needed so badly at this moment, is completely covered in fog. What to do? If this sounds like the story of your life, try one of these tips for keeping your bathroom mirror from fogging up.
A Bar of Soap
This may come as a surprise, but rubbing a bar of soap on your mirror can often do the trick for keeping off the fog. Take a bar of soap—it can be any kind—and rub it gently back and forth across your mirror’s surface. Once you’ve covered the mirror, wipe off the excess residue with a soft cloth. Once you can no longer see it, the soap will act as a deterrent to the steam.
Vinegar Solution
Similarly, coating your mirror in a vinegar solution will keep the fog off your mirror. Create a vinegar mixture that’s half vinegar and half water, then use a soft cloth to coat the mirror with it. This method will keep fog off your mirrors for at least a week.
Anti-Fog Solution
If you don’t mind the extra expense, try applying an anti-fog solution designed for car windows to your mirror. It will work on the mirror just as it would on your car.
Bathroom Exhaust Fan
The best way to keep your mirror from fogging up is to eliminate the steam that causes your mirror to fog in the first place. To do so, use a bathroom exhaust fan and turn it on whenever you shower. These fans will pull the steam and its moisture from the air, leaving no moisture to build upon your mirror or otherwise damage your bathroom.
Try a method from one of these tips for keeping your bathroom mirror from fogging up to eliminate the annoyance of a foggy mirror in your daily life.