Everyday Products That Contain Traces of Metal

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Everyday Products That Contain Traces of Metal
Everyday Products That Contain Traces of Metal

Some products that you use daily that likely contain the most traces of metals are water, cosmetic and cooking products, and your cookware. It’s OK to transition or find an alternative for these items slowly.


If you are a cannabis or CBD user, you should know the importance of testing cannabis for heavy metals since the healing herb may contain some traces of metal. When too much metallic dust gets into the lungs, you increase your chance of developing pulmonary fibrosis.


The most common everyday product that contains traces of metal is water unless you have a water filtration system. If you have older pipes in your home or building, you’re likely ingesting more nickel and chromium. To eliminate this, invest in water jugs, and run your water before drinking.

Cosmetic Products

Believe it or not, some make-up can contain traces of lead. So, before purchasing items like lipstick, eyeliner, and nail polish, you should do research. It’s hard to read the ingredients on most cosmetics products because they are small or unlisted. Look up the ingredients online and make sure they’re lead-free.

Rugs and Carpets

One of the main things in your home that can expose you to traces of heavy metal is carpets or area rugs. Of course, it’s always nice to have a decorated rug, but who knew they are potentially a health hazard? Some may contain mercury, lead, and even cadmium!


You may have a few everyday products that contain traces of metal in your kitchen that you use for cooking and eating.

Pots and Pans

If you continually scrape your pots and pans, you have most likely worn down the coating that protects you from ingesting metals. An easy way to fix this is by using the proper utensils and cleaning the pots and pans properly. If the coating of your pots and pans is already this way, it’s time to replace them. A great way to tell if you’re unsure is when you have black specs in your food that look like pepper.

Bowls, Mugs, and Plates

If you have any ceramic dishes, ensure that you know how they applied the coating since the glaze may contain traces of metal. If you have mass-produced dishes, investigate the quality of the factory they came from as well.

When shopping, a great rule of thumb is to perform a quality inspection and do a little research by reading the ingredients. It’s OK to stand in place with that product a little bit longer to keep your family safe!